Qwerty KeyBoard Head™


The eight pages below explain the journey of how QWERTY’S WORLD™ began! (There is also a extra page showing some of the Posters I created!) I was writing a book about TECHNO-HUMOR and had a desire to create a TECHNO-HUMAN character to provide illustrations for the Limericks in this, my first book, HECK NO! TECH NO! A Humorous Glimpse at the Madness of Technology! Once it was discovered that Qwerty was my son, hence making me, Qwerty’s Mom, I started to develop more characters, including pets!

This body of work, QWERTY’S WORLD™, is a ‘Work in Progress’! It is slated for Animation (film & TV), books, branded product, invented TECHNO-PRODUCTS, educational products, new vocabulary, and much more!

I have given QWERTY’S WORLD™ its own space on patafeaCreative’s Website so as to have a Platform on which Qwerty will progress!

QWERTY'S WORLD™ in Progress…… 

And, whilst in Progress please keep this Message in your Mind!
Qwerty and I are on the Lookout………….Seeking to find,
        Help with this GREAT Endeavor
        That’s Exciting and Clever
Like Animators and Tech Writers.........would be Sublime!
And/Or Angel Investors……….arriving just in Time,
Putting Creative Brains together making them Chime!
‘Going For the Gusto’.....with an outcome that’s Devine!