About patafea

To Find Out How 'patafea' Got Her Name, Please CLICK HERE!


 A Glimpse at Me...patafea a.k.a. Patricia Churchill  (Warren/Stutts)

   I was born in the Bronx in New York City!  From five years old to fourteen, I lived in Miami, Florida; from fourteen to seventeen, Freeport, Grand Bahama; from eighteen to twenty-two, California; and in between, then and now, I have also lived in San Francisco, Minnesota, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida. Overseas I have lived in England and India and travelled to many other States and Countries, with extended stays in Chile, France, Spain, Holland, Germany and Hong Kong.

I am 1/4 Hungarian, 1/4 Austrian, 1/4 Ukrainian (Minsk) and 1/4 German/Russian!……A Heinz-57 Mutt!  Perhaps that is why I love people from all over the world, all walks of life, all religions, all ethnicities, etc.!

My schooling has taken me from kindergarten to ‘some college’, but I must say that the education which has educated me the most is the......‘School of Life’!

I’ve always been an adventurer (not the ‘extreme sports’ type, i.e., jumping out of planes, bungee jumping, river rafting, etc.), more like in the category of travelling and moving to new places, trying new foods (as long as they don’t move on my plate or look like their original form, i.e. soft-shell crabs)!

I tagged sharks in the Bahamas for the A.I.B.S. (American Institute of Biological Sciences, Stanford, CA), was on the Bahamian Fencing Team, (even taught fencing at the University of the Pacific while attending college there), played tennis, and did a lot of scuba diving in both The Bahamas and California! Yes, I know, some people would consider that an adventure sport, however, for me, other than watching out for sharks and barracuda, I had always enjoyed my diving experiences…well, there were two somewhat scary dives, but I was young and so I kept diving until my lifestyle changed (marriage, kids, other interests, etc.)!  


  • Shark Tagging

    Freeport, Grand Bahama - 1967

    Chuck Hepp was a fellow diver who worked at the Underwater Explorer's Club. Note the appliquéd shark I made for my sweatshirt!

  • An Evening Sport

    A few of the guys in our small group used to shark fish on the beach at night, as the sharks came into the shallow waters at that time. This was a 4-5' Black Tip Shark.

  • Tagging the Dorsal Fin

    I have attached a disc tag on either side of the Dorsal Fin, held on with a pin. This was a tracking system through the, American Insitute of Biological Sciences (A.I.B.S.). I will add a Blog with more details!

About patafea.......a little bit more!

I started writing little rhymes at about ten, and then in High School my writing became more prolific, and in 2007 I wrote and self-published my first book. I am now at a place in my life where my life’s experiences seem to be impatient and want to come rushing out of me….so there will be lots more books on the horizon. I also discovered that I could sketch, as I needed to give the artists an image of what I was visualizing in my head for each poem.

I still enjoy travelling, meeting new people, walking beaches and shell collecting, hiking, watching movies, photography and spending time with family and friends! I am passionate about helping others and volunteering in various capacities (two of my favorites are hospitals and Nursing Homes).

Most importantly in my life is keeping and maintaining my sense of humor, for without it, I truly don’t know how I would have survived life’s challenges that have managed to enter into my life uninvited….and like the PTSD, stay way too long!  Striving to always be an optimist, I will forever endeavor to approach tomorrow like it will be the best day of my life and that each day will provide more and more  of life’s experiences to write about!


  • I started taking photographs with a Brownie Camera just like this one when I was about seven. I was given a Minolta 35mm for my sixteenth birthday and then moved on to a Nikkormat, a Nikon and finally into the digital camera world! Here are examples of some of my photographs that highlight four of my hobbies: Photography, Hiking, Writing Haiku, and Walking & Shelling on the Beach! ENJOY!

  • Formby Beach, England

    A soft Winter Sky

    The sun riding a Contrail

    Setting in the West

  • Jacksonville Beach, Florida

    Lots and lots of Shells

    So many Shapes and Colours

    A Gift from the Sea

  • Crosby Beach, England

    Naked Iron Men

    It's Winter on Crosby Beach

    I'm all bundled up

  • Winter on Talbot Island Beach, North of Jacksonville, Florida

    A demised tree trunk

    Wind polished silvery truck

    Perfect photo shot

  • Formby Beach North of Liverpool, England

    The tide brought them here

    Star Fish and Razor Claims hug

    Unexpected friends

  • Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida

    Watch in wonderment

    When blooms of algae decay

    White foam floats ashore

  • Lanfairfechan, Wales

    Time and the rough seas

    A pier no longer exists

    Just a reminder

  • Beach on Anglsey, Wales

    Where can I hide

    Camouflage would be helpful
    I'll try this seaweed

  • Pwelli Beach, Wales

    Limpets and Scallops

    After the birds had their feast

    Artful shells remain

  • New Smyrna Beach, Florida

    Danger do not touch

    This Man-o-War will sting you

    Pain and welts remain

  • Crosby Beach, North of Liverpool, England

    Resting for the night

    Hoping the tide comes in soon

    I want to go home

  • Crosby Beach, England

    Guess what his lunch was

    Yikes...purple calamari

    Yummy or Yukky

  • Spain

    In early Daylight

    A Rose adorned with Dew Drops

    Like Glass Confetti

  • France

    Hiding in plain sight

    Resting on some yellow leaves

    Exposed by contrast

  • Spain

    Beauty and the Beast

    Isn't Nature AMAZING

    It's ALL Beautiful

  • Hebden, England

    Love is all around

    Even the fungi need hugs

    Nature is AWESOME

  • Hebden, England

    A family of four

    Mummy, Daddy and two kids

    Sheltered by a fern

  • FUNGI from Mars

    Who painted these green

    Hmm...Martians or Leprechuns

    Maybe they're from OZ

  • Toledo

  • Portamarin

  • Melide