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Let the Competitions Begin!

Poetic Book Review Contest

When you’ve read one of my books…and a Review in Poetry you’d like to compose,
        Then write it in any style of Poetry, but please…………….no Prose!
        We’ll enter it in a contest queue,
And you could win a prize……Yes, Yes You!
That puts a smile on your face with an expression that glows!

Poetic Book Review Contest Rules:

  • Contest will run for four months (3x a year) from the first day of the first month to the last day of the fourth month (i.e. Sept. 1 - December 31).
  • The Winner(s) will be Announced on, Here Ye! Hear Ye!, on the front page of the Website and in News&Blogs, in the first two weeks of the following month.
  • There will be one 1st Prize Winner for each  book.
  • There will be one 2nd Prize Winner for each book.
  • There will be one Honorable Mention Winner for each book.
  • One submission per person, per book, please. (Each 4-month period)
  • The prize will be a branded patafeaCreative item, TBA.
  • Winning Poems will be posted on a Blog Page!

Contact Form (Poetic Book Review Contest)

Haiku & Limerick Topics for September thru November 2022

Haiku & Limerick Contest

If having a hand at writing Haiku or Limericks… something you’d like to do,
Here’s a perfect opportunity that’s enthusiastically…..waiting for you,
        To now put your brain in gear
        Without bringing any fear
To create a Haiku and/or Limerick….seeing what kind of magic you can brew!

Haiku & Limerick Contest Rules:

  • Every third month, i.e., Sept.1 - Nov. 30),  a topic/subject will be announced.
  • Write a Haiku and/or a Limerick (one submission for each category per person) i.e., you can submit one Haiku and/or one Limerick on the announced topic, not two Haiku or two Limericks. You can submit a Haiku for one book and a Limerick from another book, etc..
  • The Winner(s) will be Announced on, Here Ye! Hear Ye!, on the front page of the Website and in News&Blogs, in the first two weeks of the month following the end of the period.
  • Their will be one 1st Prize Winner for each  book, one for a Haiku and one for a Limerick.
  • There will be one 2nd Prize Winner for each book, one for a Haiku and one for a Limerick.
  • There will be one Honorable Mention Winner for each book, one for a Haiku and one for a Limerick.
  • One submission per person, per book, please. (Each 3-month period)
  • The prizes will be a branded patafeaCreative item, TBA.
  • Winning Poems will be posted on a Blog Page!

Submit Your Entries Below.....