About patafea's Store

Thank You for visiting patafea’s Store,
With my Books and BookMarks and a whole lot more!
​        And to find out what else
        Is sitting on the shelf,
Click on each button……and begin to explore!
Keep in mind while you’re having a look about,
That yes, there is somewhat of a product drought!
        But be really assured,
        This issue will be cured,
So please patiently keep.........a Watchful Look Out!
It now seems that the product drought has been relieved
As adding more Branded Products has been achieved
Cause there's been a light shower
Growing our product power
WOW! Look at what patafea's Store has received!
Keep in mind when you are having that look around
If there's a an image or color you haven't found
Just give me a shout
And we'll work it out
There are lots of possibilities.....that abound!*

*The Illustrations and Poetry in both of my books and the Photographs & Haiku in the 'About patafea' page can go on many different products!  Please Contact me to discuss your request!